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кажется сосед имел ввиду немного другую соль

I mean at least he asked nicely for the Salt... But yeah I'm movin' out of this place. GOOD GAME

Fun lil scares!

We really enjoyed this Game.One of my favourites :)


It was too scary and stole my whole language abilities! Added English sub!

Name your next project "Pepper" and make it even spicier! Loved this!


kinda salty


Gave it a Let's Play, criticisms and feedback within!



I will be playing this live tonight 2/15 around 5-530 PM EST. 

The game manages to create an excellent horror atmosphere. The visuals are also quite pleasing. Good job.



Oyunu deneyimledim ve iyiydi. (Türkler slm)

Nice little horror game. 

This game is very well done! I had a lot of fun playing and I can't wait to see more from you! :>

W game

no sé si es demasiada sal o demasiado poca...



I love it, wish i could pet the cat but nonetheless, amazing game.


Thanks for feedback!


Also need a fish and a dog that are interactable then its a AAA game



played this on a 3 scary games.

Nice little story and a couple of good scares, not a fan of the cucumber man.

Keep up the good work!


2 SCARY Games with INSANE Jumpscares!

SALT Begins at 9:45

I just loved it!! Please make more games about Slavic mythology!

good indie horror game!

Thanks for your feedback!

cool game man it got me a couple times.

This one got me real good a couple times. Good job


Really nice.

The game impressed me a lot visually. The atmosphere was also very well created. Congratulations.

Gostei do jogo e o vizinho é bem estranho , pena que não deu pra fazer carinho no gato .


A really nice short game. Loved the atmosphere. The protagonist however was so stupid, that he derseved to be killed. No survival instinct at all lol :D!

For the good, I love the setting. I love how unsettling Mr. Long Head is - I really liked opening the door to see blood trailing away. The environment and lighting was great! I think I wish there had been a bit more dialogue and engagement between sequences, but overall fun!

The atmosphere was real, W game.


W game

I think I got a saulted

Clearly going for my top 10 indie horror list. Well done. Expected cutscenes in shower etc. but not necessary for the experience.

Hi! I'm glad you liked my game)

This was a fun horror game my dude! Slow to start and the tension kept building, I had no idea what was going to happen or what to expect! The title fit perfectly once you enter the upstairs room, super cool and creepy and I am sure will scare some people! Very entertaining, I enjoyed and recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow everybody :)

i think i got salted


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